Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Creed is that you?

Normally I save musings regarding any bathroom activitiy for conversations with Christina; however, I feel compelled to share this gem with everyone.

I just used the ladies facilities in our office building and was immediately shocked on entering seeing these shoes under a stall door. Really? I mean, seriously?

These shoes are simply not okay. This isn't a hospital, you are not a nurse. You work in an office and really, there are much more attractive, comfort footwear options.

These shoes call into question your gender. And having seen enough episodes of The Office, are you Creed? Happily (sketchily) using the women's bathroom? I really just don't know. And frankly it scares the hell out of me.

Am I paranoid? Undoubtedly.
Are the shoes hideous? Undoubtedly.

1 comment:

  1. i think i have to leave work early and change my UNDERPANTS.
